what is map() ?
A higher-order function in programming is used to transform each element in an array according to a given function.
const nums = [1,2,3,4];
const multiplyThree = nums.map((num,i,arr)=> {
return num * 3;
What is filter() ?
A higher-order function in programming is used to create a new array with elements that pass a specified condition.
const nums = [1,2,3,4];
const moreTheanTwo = nums.filter((num)=> {
return num > 2;
What is reduce() ?
A higher-order function in programming is used to combine all elements in an array into a single value using an accumulator and a combining function.
const nums = [1,2,3,4];
const sum = nums.reduce((acc,curr,i,arr)=>{
return acc+curr;
Polyfill for map
// Array.map((num,i,arr) => {})
Array.protoType.myMap = function (cb){
let temp = [];
for(let i =0; i <this.length; i++){
return temp;
const nums = [1,2,3,4];
const multiplyThree = nums.myMap((num,i,arr)=> {
return num * 3;
Polyfill for Filter
Array.protoType.myFilter = function (cb){
let temp = [];
for(let i =0; i <this.length; i++){
if(cb(this[i],i,this)) temp.push(cb(this[i))
return temp;
const moreTheanTwo = nums.myFilter((num)=> {
return num > 2;
Polyfill for Reduce
Array.protoType.myReduce = function (cb,initialValue){
var accumulator = initialvalue;
for(let i =0; i <this.length; i++){
accumulator = accumulator ?cb(accumulator ,this[i],i,this) : this[i]);
return accumulator;
const sum = nums.myReduce((acc,curr,i,arr)=>{
return acc+curr;
Now lets work with some example which have map , filter and reduce usecase;
let students = [
let names =[];
for(let i=0;i<students.length;i++){
const names = students.map(stu =>stu.name.toUpperCase());
const details = students.filter((stu)=>stu.marks > 60);
const sum = students.reduce((acc,curr)=>acc + curr.marks,0);
const names = students.filter((stu)=>stu.marks > 60).map((stu)=>stu.name);
Question - Return total marks for students with marks grater than 60 after 20 marks have been added to those who scored less than 60
let students = [
const totalMarks = students.map((stu) => {
if(stu.marks <60)
stu.marks +=20;
return stu;
.filter((stu)=> stu.marks > 60).reduce((acc,curr)=>acc+curr.marks,0)